Abridged profile update on His Grace, Harbinger of the Last Covenant, Prof. Iyke Nathan Uzorma, by the Harbinger Media Team leader, Dr. Livingstone Amos, and the technical director, Engr. Segun Arise.
(Note: We present this profile update on the Harbinger of the Last Covenant, His Grace, Iyke Nathan Uzorma, in appreciation of what the Almighty God is doing through him on Earth, and in commemoration of his Diamond Jubilee this year, 2024, which took place on the 19th of October).
The Harbinger of the Last Covenant, His Grace, Most Reverend Prof. Iyke Nathan Uzorma is a man of great divine mysteries in our world. This is known and attested to by many people. He is someone who rose from the peak of darkness to the divine Light of Heaven in our time.
Having been deeply involved on both sides of darkness and Light, he has often said that: “The person on top of a palm tree is in a better position to say whether the palm fruits are ripe or not”. On this note, he acknowledges the Power of the Lord, which he often referred to as the legitimate Spirit of Christ, to be the Power above powers, as well as the Power of the Master of masters.
Someone once asked him why he, a former revered grandmaster of the esoteric and the occult network, should step down to proclaim the Power of Christ. He sharply rebuked the individual and informed him that he is not brought down, but rather brought up above the powers of darkness, to proclaim the eternal supreme Mastership of the Lord of Lords.
It may be recalled that, before his encounter with the Fire of Jehovah God, Prophet Moses was a master in the esoteric mysteries of ancient Egypt. The Bible says that Moses was well versed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. ( See Acts 7:22). Like Moses, before his direct encounter with the true Power of Christ above thirty years ago, Iyke Nathan Uzorma was the Living Grandmaster of the Order of Terrestrial and Astral Hierarchy, amongst other things.
In his media chat with the BBC Radio, London, hosted by Hopeton Gordon, he explained that the Order of Terrestrial and Astral Hierarchy is a principal dominion of the dark world. This hidden esoteric dominion, according to him, has different representatives in this physical world in the form of secret societies. He later explained that there are diverse principal dominions in the dark world, as well as diverse principal dominions in the realms of the Forces of Light above.
The COMANS Order, which he formed and headed in which he was the First Adept, was a secret society and the physical offshoot of this dark dominion on Earth. This COMANS Order, custodian of the occult seal of Yima of Persia on Earth, was finally disbanded, following the divine direct encounter of Iyke Nathan Uzorma with the true Lord of Light.
When asked for a comment on his past and present life, Prof. Iyke Nathan Uzorma responded that what is important to him now is what he is and not what he was. Many people have said that the divine conversion of Iyke Nathan Uzorma in this generation is reminiscence of Saul, who later became Paul, as recorded in the Holy Bible.
Soon after his direct encounter with the Lord, and in the course of his one year fasting (6am to 6pm), as he was divinely directed, the Lord appeared to him and divinely empowered him as the ‘Harbinger of the Last Covenant’. This is his divine title and office. The Lord also informed him that He sent him as a spy to the deepest realms of darkness and finally brought him out to bear witness of the greatest Power of Light to the faithful and the faithless in our time.
After some time, the Lord appeared to him and gave him a Bible, a mantle and some divine oil that doesn’t run dry unto this day. These sacred items, which are the paraphernalia of his divine office as the Harbinger of the Last Covenant, are all physically with him. By the Spirit of the Lord, these sacred items have spiritually benefited several people on Earth. Some years ago, the Lord appeared to him and gave him five different divine codes for the activation of divine inquiries.
One of these divine codes is the code for emergency inquiry. On a general aspect, by the ordinance of a divine schedule, the Lord physically appears to him twice a week in a general divine inquiry sessions for diverse humans, families, nations, as well as the present and the future earth, amongst other things. This occurs apart from the code for emergency inquiry, which is divinely exceptional. Testimonies coming from these things in our world are too numerous to mention.
He had different degrees in Esoteric Metaphysics, including D. F. Astro. S., from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, England. He was a professor of Noetic science in esoteric mysteries of the Indian sankya College of Vedic Metaphysics. He was also a visiting professor of the Metaphysical Research Association of Nigeria, University of Ibadan, then headed by Professor S. G. Nwoko.
Before his birth on the 19th of October, 1964, his parents were informed by oracle that their coming child was both a deity and a worshipful master. Following what the oracle said, a throne was made for him even before he was born. Four days after his birth, a spirit being materialized to his parents, made some incantations on him, and disappeared. This experience extremely terrified his parents, especially his mother.
Currently, the Harbinger of the Last Covenant is leading a powerful inter-denominational worldwide network of believers, with coordinators in different nations. Some religious leaders and institutions on earth have also acknowledged and submitted to the authority of the Lord in him. He is the founder of Harbinger Christian Publications, Harbinger Divine Mission, and Harbinger Divine Nations Outreach.
In his media chat with the Garden City Radio, Kumasi, Ghana, he was asked about the rumor that he has gone back to the occult world and changed his name to ‘Protus Nathan Uzorma’, for fear of attack of the forces of darkness. In his response, he said that he would never return to the dark world.
He declared that he is Iyke Nathan Uzorma and not Protus Nathan Uzorma. Protus Nathan Uzorma is their last born in a family of six children, with three boys and three girls. Iyke Nathan Uzorma is the first son but has two elder sisters. Nathan is the family middle name, while Uzorma is the family surname. His younger brother, Protus, is a professor of philosophy, university lecturer, columnist, and politician.
The Harbinger of the Last Covenant says that: “If you don’t know where you are going to, you won’t know when you have arrived at your destination.” He maintains that he came into the Light of Christ from a very dangerous ground and needed not be reminded on the imperative of being firm in the Lord of Lords.
Through the Mercy Store House, which he established by the divine directives of the Lord, many widows, orphans, and the less privileged are constantly helped and empowered. Many people have received scholarship in their primary schools, colleges, and universities by the mercy of the Lord in the Harbinger of the Last Covenant.
Currently, His Grace, Most Reverend (Prof) Iyke Nathan Uzorma, Archbishop in the international inter-denominational ecclesiastic worldwide church council of the Wesley Synod, is a Professor of Christian Education at St Thomas-a-Becket University, Canterbury, England. He is the Chancellor of Global Harvest Christian University in Nigeria, which is currently undergoing the process of being renamed to Unique Global University.
He is a recipient of Nelson Mandela Excellent Service Award in Africa and equally holds the award of Peace Advocate in Nigeria. He is a patron and the ‘Nigeria Youth Role Model Icon of Humanitarian Services’ of the Nigeria Youth Advocacy For Good Governance Initiative’. He is also a patron of the Nigeria Police and a patron of his Umuokpoko ancestral home community based in Warri, Nigeria, known as the Umuokpoko Development Union.
He holds the honorary award of ‘Owa na etiri oha’ (Moon that shines for the people) in his Isuokporo clan (old Isunjaba), Imo State, Nigeria, conferred on him by His Royal Majesty, Eze (Barrister) Darlington Ogbenna, Dimonyereoha, the Igwe (King) of Isuokporo Kingdom.
The Harbinger of the Last Covenant, though from the Igbo race in Nigeria, is equally an Ambassador of the Yoruba race in Nigeria, inducted into the Hall of Fame of ‘Igbimo Odo Yoruba L’agbaiye’ by the Yoruba Youth Assembly, the umbrella Body of all the thirty-eight Yoruba youth groups worldwide.
During his Diamond Jubilee, he received the official recognition of one of the greatest kings of the black race, via a letter of credence from His Imperial Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, spiritual leader of the Yoruba race. At the same time, the Ohaneze Indigbo, the apex body of the entire Igbo race, also conferred on him the official title and recognition related to his divine mission.
A leading scholar in Extraterrestrial Research, Conference Speaker and author of over a hundred books, the Harbinger of the Last Covenant, His Grace, Prof. Iyke Nathan Uzorma, is a divine Messenger on Earth, through whom testimonies are established by the Great Spirit of the Almighty God on people in different parts of the world, which includes but not limited to raising the dead back to life.
Furthermore, Iyke Nathan Uzorma is a member of the Christian Professors International Association. He is also a ‘Global Peacemaker’, awarded to him by the International Center for Peace and Human Rights, Philadelphia, USA.
He is married to Lady (Dr) Imaobong Udeme Nathan Uzorma from Uyo, a royal Princess of Ibibio land, Nigeria, and they have two sons and a daughter, namely, Promise, Blessing and Gift.
The Harbinger of the Last Covenant holds strongly that the Earth Planet has finally entered into the era of what he calls ‘planetary winnowing’, which will give birth to a new Earth of spiritual civilization and the brotherhood of all existences. He has often declared that a great calamity is about to befall this world, warning that the children of men should adhere to the path of Light, which is embedded with the purity of heart and the practical demonstration of divine love.
According to him, his mission includes the contribution of his quota towards the salvation and spiritual emancipation of humans. He holds that man must be saved from himself. He believes that spiritual blindness and ignorance are the major problems of humans, and has a vision to provide guidance for man towards the recognition of the hidden mysteries of himself, the Universe and what he calls: ‘the pyramid of all interrelated consciousness’, which is the Almighty God.
He is interested in declaring the higher versions of the mysteries of existence and the message of the Kingdom of God on Earth, to help humans rise into what he calls ‘the path to divine ascent in the journey of life’. He has often said that life is more than what the eyes can see; that whatever happens on Earth is a manifestation of the structure situated in the realms beyond. He has been making deep spiritual expositions in the ‘Mysteries of Existence’ YouTube channel and ‘Prof. Iyke Nathan Uzorma’ YouTube channel, amongst other platforms.
Through his contact with the Lord, in the course of numerous divine inquiry sessions, as well as his contact with the Angelic Beings of Light, the Harbinger of the Last Covenant is brought to the higher aspects of great mysteries. He is currently exposing some of these mysteries in our world, making some of his publications contain materials coming to the Earth for the first time.
God bless you.
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